CEO Succession
Planning Services

Every succession is unique. As operators, we help the board ensure that every step of their process has been fully customized to the context and conditions the next CEO will face.

At any stage in the succession journey, whether years out or near-term, we support nom and gov to both plan and execute a balanced, data-driven candidate selection process.

Our Success Planning
Experience Includes

  • Planned CEO
  • Emergency
  • Founder/Family

Our approach to succession
planning helps Boards

Reduce Noise

We partner with boards to refine their decision-making criteria, ensuring every director is operating under the same definition for what “best” looks like.

Mitigate Bias

We help aggregate and synthesize various streams of data to ensure performance is being evaluated with the most objective lens.

Enhance Governance

We partner with boards and management to ensure the succession process is utilizing the best of 21st century thinking and governance.

Other ways we
can help

Pragmatic, Real-world Executive Assessments

Enabling leaders to own their development through actionable feedback on their observed, real-world performance.

Senior Executive Development

Helping senior leaders accelerate performance against today’s strategy and preparing them to deliver on tomorrow’s.

Featured Insights

The new rules of succession planning

Thought Leadership

The new rules of succession planning

By Adam Bryant & David Reimer

Our Impact